Ming Lovejoy Coaching

Ready to Transform the desires of your heart into meaningful 6-figure success?
Download The Five Golden Keys to Transformation Workbook for your step-by-step guide now!
Do you...
Have something knocking at your heart that wants to be brought to life - a nudge, a dream...., an idea…but you just can't seem to get after it?
Feel like you’re spinning your wheels lost in busy-ness and not creating the income you want to create in your business?
Are you ready...
To get crystal clear so that you grow, profit and thrive in the life and business you want?
For your life and business to be easier and more fun?
Align Yourself...
So life flows through you...and you attract and show up at your BEST for those you're here to serve...
...because this world is a brighter place when You SHINE!
Are you ready to move from:
- Inertia to Action
- Overwhelm to Laser Focus
- Procrastination to Peak Performance
- Fear of Failure to Fulfillment and Contentment
- Spinning your wheels to Six-figure Success
Ming Lovejoy
Ming Lovejoy is Chief Inspiration Officer and Founder of Ming Lovejoy Coaching. She is passionate about supporting women in experiencing lasting lifestyle and business transformation. Her unique and personal style of coaching helps inspire dynamic, soulful, and spirited women to live more deeply and joyfully aligned with who they are so they feel more fulfilled and content every day of their lives.
She is also the Founder of Hope 406, a non-profit organization which supports Montana businesses and charities to nurture health awareness, wellness, and personal development.

My Workbook
Are you struggling to get clear, focused, and aligned with your dreams, vision, and goals? Do you feel pulled in multiple directions and wrestle with conflicts and resistance in pursuing the life and business you desire? Do you think, “there’s got to be a better way, but I just don’t know what it is?”

The Truth is…creating the life and business of your dreams doesn’t have to be hard. Of course there’s work to do. But, when your head and your heart are aligned with your soul’s purpose…when you’re dreaming BIG and harnessing the power of important universal principles available to you, you’ll find yourself in FLOW. In FLOW, creating the life of your dreams, attracting what your heart desires, and manifesting the support you need can feel effortless. Your life, your unique gifts, and all the the inspiration you need…simply flow through you. Life and business like this…is full of magic, opportunity, delightful surprises and miracles…and it’s a heck of a lot of FUN!
Building a strong, beautiful foundation, is the way to go. And, the tools to an authentic and integrated framework for your dream life and business are at your fingertips.
Learn how to get in alignment with the sources of inspiration within you, make progress in pursuing your passions and the desires of your heart, and move from struggle to JOY!
- Activate your crystal clear vision
- Align your head and your heart to increase your flow and momentum
- Define your highest intention and take action to move forward
- Find your focus to accelerate your lifestyle and business goals
- Design your roadmap to your heart’s desired destination for your life and your business.
If you’re ready to transform overwhelm to laser focus, inertia to action, and procrastination to high performance so you can accelerate to six-figure success and beyond, download The Five Keys To Transformation Workbook.
Thank you so much, Ming!

Work With Ming

Align Yourself and Jumpstart Your THING!
5 Week Group Lifestyle Accelerator is a sacred and safe group growth coaching container to “come as you are” with a dream in your heart, a fire in your belly, ready to ignite (or reignite) your passion and mission. You’ll clarify your vision, eliminate overwhelm, dial in your mindset and heartset, be introduced to the Universal Law of Magical Self-care, identify what’s stopping you, standing in your way, or holding you back, discover what you need to uplevel, and come away with specific strategies and actions to help you get traction and momentum in any area of your life and business.
6 month Group Growth Coaching Lifestyle & Business Accelerator. If you’re ready to take your life and business to the next level – sustainably – to play a bigger game, be more and do more in an aligned way, feel more fulfilled and content, and make more money, this group growth coaching container could be for you. Get focused support, be heard, witnessed, held, and encouraged. DO Your THING! includes a combination of powerful teaching to reprogram yourself from the inside-out, transform your life through powerful principles of the “Inside Track, ” implement the Universal Principles of Magical Self-Care, Git-Er-DONE, and feel great about yourself!
1:1 Deep Dive Coaching
1:1 Deep Dive Coaching to enhance your life, relationships, and business. Personal access to Ming’s treasure trove of support, tools, resources, and wisdom to support you in creating sustainable transformation so you can rock your relationships, your life, and create the business your heart longs for.
1:1 VIP Transformation Experience Half Day or Full Day
Laser focused, insight-filled, resource-rich, action-packed, inspired intensive to support you and give you a “fast track” to the transformation you’re looking for in your life, relationships, and business. Yes, with the right support, you can jumpstart any area of your life! Come away with clear vision, deep insight, and more creativity and freedom to get after your dreams. Learn how to live in alignment every day, and develop simple, straightforward strategies to create your own roadmap to your future and the life you want to live.
The life you want requires you to step into your next level of greatness. Having a bold, intuitive, and skilled coach who's invested in your transformation is the fastest path to create the life you want. I'll call you forward into your dreams and visions, hear you, speak truth to you in love, and give you a solid foundation of powerful tools and resources to help you create the life and business you love.
Do you want an innovative, insightful, and nurturing coach to help you accelerate your momentum and manifest the life and business you want?
Click the the button below to set up a time to talk.
Connect With Me
Contact details
Get in touch with me to learn more!
- calendly.com/connectwithming
- 406-212-2729
- [email protected]
Align yourself. Live in FLOW.
GIT-Er-DONE. Love your LIFE.